Discover the positive boost of art on your brain in the new digital art exhibition HAPPINESS. Step into a world of color, sound, music and interaction. Explore 360° art installations and discover how art gives your life more color.


Art makes us happy! According to a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) art is a strong remedy against a gloomy grey matter. This theory is supported by scientific research that shows the correlation between experiencing art and the increase of dopamine, the ‘happiness hormone’. Cultural activities, such as visiting a museum, are therefore not only great fun, but also super healthy. But, as with anything, the proof is in the pudding! Let’s put your happiness to the test in the new digital art exhibition HAPPINESS. An immersive experience full of good boosts for your brain!


Contemporary Dutch artist Studio Irma (Irma de Vries) creates digital experiential art and installations that attract hundreds of thousands of visitors all over the world. For more than 20 years, De Vries, whose work is currently also on display at the Moco Museum in Amsterdam and Barcelona, has been experimenting with digital technology, computer animation, video mapping, augmented reality and smart light projection. Studio Irma is a revolutionary dreamer who engages digital technologies to connect humanity. Through space, color, sound, movement and you – the active participant, Studio Irma invites you to take a step into a world of connection.